Four E-Books

1). The Secret of Rig-Veda – 230+6 Pages
2). ಋಗ್ವೇದ ದರ್ಶನ – 192 ಪುಟ
3). Agnihotra – 40+7 Pages
4). Indra and Kundalini Yoga - 70+5 Pages
5). Indra and Middle Eastern Religions & Bhuddhism – 81+6 Pages

Author: Banglore Mohan

No of Pages: 230+192+40+70+81

Under the Indian Copyright Act, all rights of the contents of this are reserved with the author, Banglore Mohan. No part of this book, including the name, title, design or inside matter may be reproduced of copied in any form or by any means, in full or in part, in any language except for personal use. Breach of any of these conditions is liable to legal action.

All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Bengaluru courts.

Copyright: Author
Self Published


This book is dedicated to the Lotus feet of all my Gurus.


This book is based on my spiritual visions and experiences that helped me in understanding the secret of the universe and Rig-Veda. Gods themselves revealed the Secret of Rig-Veda. However I am deeply indebted to authors and publishers of the following books on which my understanding is based.

1. Rig-Veda Samhita: - Sayana Bhashya

(Translated by: Asthan Vidvan H P Venkatarao, Published by: Kannada and Culture Dept, Government of Karnataka, India)
Rig Veda Samhita: Commentary - by R L Kashyap

2. Agnihotra

O Lord of yajna, protect and increase the yajna by yajna. Yajna becomes your protector in the killing of Ahi by Vajra.” (RV 3-32-12 RLK)
Author: Bangalore Mohan

3. Indra and Kundalini Yoga

Rig-Veda By Sayanacharya Serpent Power By Arthur Avlon Viveka Choodamani By Sriman Nijaguna Shivayogi

4. Indra and Middle Eastern Religions & Bhuddhism

Pyramid Text Genesis Holy Quran
(The Rig-Veda mantras are downloaded from Govt website

5. ಋಗ್ವೇದ ದರ್ಶನ

ಋಗ್ವೇದ ದರ್ಶನ (ನನ್ನ ಅನುಭವಗಳು)
ಆಧಾರಿತ: ಸಾಯಣ ಭಾಷ್ಯ ಆರ್ ಎಲ್ ಕಶ್ಯಪ್ ಭಾಷ್ಯ


Rig-veda is the root of all religions
(Gospel of the Kingdom of God)

United Nation has declared Rig-Veda as one of the most ancient and first text that still exists today on earth. Indians believe that it is not written by anyone but it is a Heavenly Book that came in the Language of Gods. The language of the Heavenly Book is called Sanskrit. God has revealed to me that the Universe and Heavens are created by the WORDS of Sanskrit. .

Why Supreme Lord did send Heavenly Book on earth?
To answer this questions one must go to the beginning of human history. When man appeared on earth in the process of evolution, he too was behaving like animals, hunting for food and procreation. He had no understanding of relationship between one another, language or knowledge of nature. Unless someone teaches us, one cannot learn anything. Even today few tribes who live in deep jungle are not aware any knowledge of human development

The Supreme Lord sent divine revelation to guide mankind on the people who were living on the banks of Sarasvati River. The revelation came in the “Language of Gods” as no earthly language existed at that time. Rig-Veda is mantras that glorify Devatas. Rig-Veda gives us two kinds of knowledge; one, the physical world, names of trees, rivers, mountains, relationship between husband and wife, kings and kingdom, ministers and the art of war etc. Two, it gives us the true path of worship that pleases the Supreme Lord and Devatas. Rig-Veda also explains the role of each Devatas and the details of cyclic creation and destruction of the universe.

Vedic people who received Rig-Veda easily understood the worldly knowledge and understood human relationship and naming each thing of nature, developed kingdoms and societies. They performed Agnihotra to please Devatas as mentioned in Rig-Veda. However they were unable to understand the role of each Devatas and hierarchy of Devatas. Hence they believed that one can worship any Devatas and attain liberation. Even today the Vedic people believe that one can worship any God as one chooses.

Therefore the scripture of India such as Upanishads, Puranas, other scriptures and worship of temple deities has limited benefits but are totally misleading. Many Rishis and Acharyas tried to decode Rig-Veda according to their understanding but each commentary differ from one another. In short no one could understand the Rig-Vedic Gods as none were blessed by Lord Indra. Acharya Sayana commentary that was written 500 years back shed some understanding on Rig-Veda. Even though it is not hundred percent perfect yet it guides one to understand Rig-Veda. Later Sri Aurobindo, Kapali Shastri and RL Kashyap shed further light on Sayana Bhashya.

Vedic people were instructed to spread the message to those who came in contact with them. Hence Rig-Vedic message was spread all over the world. The story “The Tower of Babel” tells us that the people who came down from the East were speaking in the Divine Language. Later when they tried to build the highest tower to escape from the flood they experienced earlier, Lord got angry with them for thinking that they can escape the fury of God. Hence God confused their tongue and made them disperse all over the world.

Vedic people were misled by not understanding Rig-Veda due to the unknown language of the earth. Hence Lord sent revelation to guide mankind after the development of worldly language to give clarification on Rig-Veda. Hence Pyramid Religion, Torah, Genesis and Holy Quran were sent in different languages to guide their society and give clarification on Rig-Veda. Hence if one wants to understand Rig-Veda it is imperative that they must study all revelations sent by the Lord. Therefore Indra, Osiris Yahweh and Allah are different names of one Supreme Lord in different language. Devatas are called Angels in other revelations.

There is a reason for not understanding Rig-Veda in spite of many revelations. It is because the whole humanity is overpowered by Demon King Vrtrasura with “Darkness and Ignorance”. When Aditya Devatas created the galaxies and sun in the universe, the radiance of the Sun disturbed Vrtrasura. Angrily he rose from the nether world, covered the Sun and galaxies with Darkness and Ignorance, built a fort around the ocean, took the form of Ahi, the Leviathan Beast and he slept around it covering the whole creation. Then in the war between Indra and Ahi the Demon, Lord Indra slaughtered Ahi, the Leviathan Beast and pushed him once again to the nether world and closed its door. The universe became free from the Demonic activities and creation continued.

However man is the replica of the universe as the proverb state that the microcosm is the replica of macrocosm. Hence all Devatas and Demons are within us also and the Sun is shining in the heart. Hence Vrtrasura rose up from the nether world, has built a fort around us and covered the Sun with darkness and ignorance. Rig-Veda shows us the way to defeat Vrtrasura and have the vision of Devatas present within us and to go back to the Paradise of Indra at the time of our death.
How Indra does appear to his devotee: While performing Agnihotra Indra appears in human form sitting on the Universal Throne. He appears like sixteen years old with one piece garment and golden rays are emitting from his body. For some Indra appears like Flame/Light. He also appears like sitting in human form inside the Flame/Light. Hence Indra is called Hiranya Garbha. Supreme Lord Indra has blessed me with all three forms and revealed the secret of Rig-Veda and other revelations

YouTube videos:

Does God Exist? The final Truth:
Unexplored teachings of Jesus:
Imam Mhadi and the Secret of Holy Quran:
The Secret of Rig-Veda Episode 1:

1. The Secret of Riveda

Note: I have selected mantras of Rig-Veda randomly from different Mandals and Suktas to explain my spiritual visions.
ऋ॒चो अ॒क्षरे॑ पर॒मे व्यो॑म॒न् यस्मि॑न् दे॒वा अधि॒ विश्वे॑ निषे॒दुः । यस्तन्न वेद॒ किमृ॒चा क॑रिष्यति॒ य इत् तद् वि॒दुस्त इ॒मे समा॑सते ॥३॥९॥
“All the gods have taken their seats upon this supreme heaven, the imperishable (text) of the Veda; what will he, who knows not this, do with the Veda? but they who do know it, they are perfect.” (RV 1-164-39 SB)
Very few have seen God from the ancient times but why? What is the reason?
Everyone should realize that humanity is under the grip of Asuras (Demons). Demon King Vrtrasura has built a fort around us, taken a form of Leviathan Beast and is sleeping around it. The Kingdom of God is within but one can’t see it because of Demons have covered us with darkness and ignorance around us Hence one cannot see Gods present within us.

2. Agnihotra

“O Indra, you become increased by yajna. The Soma released in the sacrifice is dear to you, who belong to the sacrifice. O Lord of yajna, protect and increase the yajna by yajna. Yajna becomes your protector in the killing of Ahi by Vajra.” (RV 3-32-12 RLK)
I am giving the detailed procedure on how to conduct ‘Inner Agnihotra’ as no scripture of India, from Brahmanas, Upanishads to other scriptures had documented the procedure. Brahmanas although have given a detailed procedure on how to perform Agnihotra, the sages were not aware of the hierarchy of Gods, neither the inner secrets of Rig-Veda nor about Inner Agnihotra.

3. Indra and Kundalini Yoga

A new path, a new method of awakening Kundalini was revealed to me by my Guru Adi Shiva, Indra and Sarasvati. The procedure is simple; take initiation, develop Prana, awaken chakras in the back side of the spinal column and also awaken front side chakras by chanting their bijaksharas. Meditate on each chakra not more than a minute, which will purify the physical body, achieve Bhutashuddi, become Urdvaretaska and mantrachaitanya.

4. Indra in Middle Eastern Religions & Bhuddhism

Moses never expected to see the Lord as Burning Bush Fire on the mountain. Prophet Muhammad never expected Jibreal to come and ask Prophet to recite Holy Quran. Similarly I never expected to see the vision of Supreme Lord Indra who later revealed the secret of all revelations.
All world religions are worshipping one God without knowing the secret of the Supreme Lord. I have briefly explained about Pyramid Text, Jewish scriptures, Christianity and Holy Quran. Most authentic revelations after Rig-Veda is Holy Quran. Holy Quran sheds light on 10 th Mandala, Sukta 129 on creation. However the path of redemption and going to the presence of the Supreme Lord in this life itself is mentioned in Rig-Veda only.